Success Stories
Read / Listen / Watch ND grads talk about their experiences before, during and (especially) after the workshop!
We get all kinds of thank-you’s and atta-boy’s — via letters, email and IM — here are some of our best.
Finally, through the encouragement of good friend, I met the staff of New Directions Workshops. Through their safe and effective guidance, I was able to identify the stages in my development when unusual life events deeply altered my normal emotional growth. I learned how the snap decisions made in such critical times were still influencing the way that I handled the circumstances of my daily life. I discovered that I approached every day choices with the intensified vigilance of life or death decisions. I learned how to gage my level of personal safety and how to employ it in my relationships. I learned how to adjust the volume on my emotions to have proportionate responses. I will always have more work to do, but now I understand myself and the work that needs to be done, and I am confident in my own ability to do it.
A.J. Seargeant, Gulf war veteran, 10/16/10
M.A., 10/18/10
Larry, Vietnam veteran, 11/17/10
Love you!
Linda Lou
Click on the graphic below to see a list of radio shows, interviews and lessons
One minute testimonials
My old camera could only hold videos up to 1-minute on a floppy, so here are some quickies
Watch their faces closely, and you can see they have sincerely benefitted from this EQ work
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Troy |
Michele |
Ex-military couple learns intimacy and love at ND|
TV Shows and Video
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EQ-101, Show 1: The Art and Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)|
EQ-101.2: The Art & Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-Emotional Healing|
EQ-101.3: The Art & Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-The Power of Anger|
Emotional Intelligence – Emotional Healing demo tape|
New Directions EQ Workshop – pro video clip1|
2GetHelp4Veterans Education App|
Combat veterans heal PTSD and emotional wounds of war|
FoxTV Guests: ND Emotional Intelligence Workshop|
Touch for Health Intro|
Just for fun, here are some silly folks practicing teamwork and togetherness
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ND Group Cheer 1|
ND Group Cheer 2|
ND Group Cheer 3|