Success Stories

Read / Listen / Watch ND grads talk about their experiences before, during and (especially) after the workshop!



We get all kinds of thank-you’s and atta-boy’s — via letters, email and IM — here are some of our best.

Idk what i expected outa my boyfriend going thru but I sure got more than expected.  It's like we have an intimate connection that wasn't there b4!  He told me he feels like a different person! He's excited 2 assist next class!

ND was awesome  great class!  I am so blessed to have you all in my life supporting me!

This was an awesome experience in growth for me, as well as others.  I love my ND family and feel the love from them.  Looking forward to the next class. : )

Awesome ND. I qm so happy to be back.
- Elle Jay

Me, Too.
- Splat

am* see, I'm so happy I cant spell. Lol
- Elle Jay

(in facebook chat)
ND was a blessing for me I feel so great. yeah I have my ups and downs but its ok. I found that some days i still put on my pin from graduation and other ask me how do I feel like that?  And I am like, well there's this class called ND and it is amazing.

When I first walked into New Directions, at 5’ 2” and 130 pounds, I carried the energy of a giant. I was suspicious, I was guarded, and I was doubtful that one weekend was going to make much difference when nothing else to that point had. I had all but given up hope that I would ever be a fully functioning wife and mother, but my mother had paid my way through the course and when I commit to something I usually follow through come hell or high water. That weekend was the beginning of a journey that eventually led me to be able to heal my wounded spirit, to find happiness in my life, to enjoy my husband and my children, to change my negative behaviors, to let go of all the negative labels placed on me by family members, which I had accepted and even strove to live up to! I began to grow in my understanding and to increase my capacity to love and accept myself, and more importantly, to actually feel grateful for all the things I had lived through as a child and as an adult, because it was those experiences that gave me the ability to protect my children in a way that I had not been protected, and to give them what I never had - - Two parents living under the same roof, safety, healthy role models about love and sexuality, and the freedom to express their feelings…

. . . This growth did not happen over night. I cannot pinpoint the exact moment that I felt “healed” and that I could have a healthy relationship with my husband and the kids. It was a series of small steps that I took over a period of time as I continued to return to the New Directions workshops. Until that time, I had read every book imaginable about healing from sexual abuse, I had spent thousands of dollars for therapy, but it was not until I took the New Directions course weekend that all that knowledge and therapy I had undergone truly began to take root. It was not until the workshop that I began to understand what had happened to me, why I behaved the way I did, and more importantly that what I did to survive as a child was truly amazing, because “I had survived it” without the use drugs and/or alcohol, and with a relatively healthy capacity to love. I just had to find a place that made it safe for me to express all of the emotions that had been stuck in my system as a result of my childhood traumas. Just as important was learning that each emotion has a specific feeling and purpose. I learned that I protected myself with my anger growing up, but that as an adult I am not living in the kind of emotional or physical peril I did as a child. Now, as an adult, I can choose who is safe and I don’t have to be angry all the time. I can still use my anger appropriately to protect my family, and myself, and to set boundaries for others, but it does not have to be overwhelming or rage filled, nor does my anger have to be a lifestyle. I can now show those people I choose to trust my vulnerable side. The techniques or “tools” I learned at New Directions changed my life and it can change yours as well!

I began as a student over 12 years ago with New Directions, and have continued to return to the workshops to assist others as they begin their journey to emotional wellness. Today, at 45 years of age I am FREE to live my life without the overwhelming pain, anger and depression.



Click on the graphic below to see a list of radio shows, interviews and lessons


One minute testimonials

My old camera could only hold videos up to 1-minute on a floppy, so here are some quickies

[youtube]One Minute Testimonials[/youtube]


Watch their faces closely, and you can see they have sincerely benefitted from this EQ work

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Troy |
Michele |
Ex-military couple learns intimacy and love at ND|

TV Shows and Video

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EQ-101, Show 1: The Art and Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)|
EQ-101.2: The Art & Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-Emotional Healing|
EQ-101.3: The Art & Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-The Power of Anger|
Emotional Intelligence – Emotional Healing demo tape|
New Directions EQ Workshop – pro video clip1|
2GetHelp4Veterans Education App|
Combat veterans heal PTSD and emotional wounds of war|
FoxTV Guests: ND Emotional Intelligence Workshop|
Touch for Health Intro|


Just for fun, here are some silly folks practicing teamwork and togetherness

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ND Group Cheer 1|
ND Group Cheer 2|
ND Group Cheer 3|

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