Success Stories

Read / Listen / Watch ND grads talk about their experiences before, during and (especially) after the workshop!



We get all kinds of thank-you’s and atta-boy’s — via letters, email and IM — here are some of our best.

I learned how to work through my pain during a weekend workshop with New Directions.

(Facebook post)


This morning I feel Ecstatic. My mind has been quite still which I have not had for a long time and I don't miss the chatter in it. Life is awesome today 😀

"You gotta know how different I am, and how I'm starting to actually love myself!"

You really are living by this aren't you mom! I am in awe everytime I see you work through something that would have knocked you on your ass in the past! You are amazing!! I was telling R. last night how you have grown up so much emotionally and how you are the mom I always dreamed of! I am able to come to you with just about anything and you are there with so much love and acceptance! No judgement! You listen and you don't criticize, you tell me about one of your experiences and you let me figure it out. You are amazing mom!!! I love you and I wish everyone out there had a mom just like you.... Better yet I want to be a mom that's just like you. And because of you, I really think I can:)!

(mom's response)
K, That is one of the biggest compliments that a daughter could say to her mom. I am so full of love and emotion.  I truly love you unconditionally. 

New Directions is awesome. Not only has it helped me to help myself, but it has also helped me to help other people. When patients tell me they're sad, instead of trying to brush it off and tell them things like, "Don't say that," or "Everything's going to be fine," or "focus on the positive" like my coworkers do, I'm able to validate those feelings and let them know it's ok to feel the things they feel before trying to motivate them to continue. This weekend, a friend of mine was going through essentially a break up with her girlfriend and I felt like I was really able to be there to support her and her feelings without telling her, "It will all be ok" or giving her unhelpful advice like, "you should break up with her." Instead, I told her it's ok for her to be feeling what she was feeling and advised her to let herself feel and then figure out what she needs from the relationship before making any decisions. Last night, I got a call from her and she told me: "I made a list of the things I need. I need to be in a monogamous relationship. I need to have her show up for dates...etc." I felt so happy and proud of her (and myself for giving good advice). Anyway, I didn't used to be comfortable with negative emotions and was one who wanted to make people feel happy, so I'm feeling really thankful for the Celises and ND for giving me that. 🙂

B and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. we went to Tahoe Joe's for lunch then up to Millerton Lake for a hike. I don't think we would have made it to 7 without ND.  Thank YOU!



Click on the graphic below to see a list of radio shows, interviews and lessons


One minute testimonials

My old camera could only hold videos up to 1-minute on a floppy, so here are some quickies

[youtube]One Minute Testimonials[/youtube]


Watch their faces closely, and you can see they have sincerely benefitted from this EQ work

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Troy |
Michele |
Ex-military couple learns intimacy and love at ND|

TV Shows and Video

[youtubegallery cols=7]
EQ-101, Show 1: The Art and Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)|
EQ-101.2: The Art & Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-Emotional Healing|
EQ-101.3: The Art & Science of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-The Power of Anger|
Emotional Intelligence – Emotional Healing demo tape|
New Directions EQ Workshop – pro video clip1|
2GetHelp4Veterans Education App|
Combat veterans heal PTSD and emotional wounds of war|
FoxTV Guests: ND Emotional Intelligence Workshop|
Touch for Health Intro|


Just for fun, here are some silly folks practicing teamwork and togetherness

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ND Group Cheer 1|
ND Group Cheer 2|
ND Group Cheer 3|

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